Marriage Labs works with any couple in a committed relationship willing to look at the many complicated situations which present potential bombs needing to be defused. Marriage Labs can improve communication, assist you and your partner in addressing issues of sex, time, money, and the sometimes contradictory expectations facing men and women today and help you both learn to better balance work and family life! Marriage Labs was built upon the belief that all problems are shared 50 – 50. There are no “good guys” or “bad guys” but we each contribute equally to the dynamics of the relationship. Couples tie complicated knots together and it is the role of the Marriage Labs Counselor along with the couple to untie these knots. Each person is encouraged to look at his/ her role in a problem posed rather than pointing the finger at the other as one can only change themselves they cannot change the other. Along with communication skills, tools of relationship building are offered in an attempt to change destructive patterns. Marriage Labs offers a variety of teaching formats including groups, courses, seminars, workshops and couples counseling to help you and your partner rekindle those feelings that first brought you together. Marriage Labs is based on the belief that it is normal to have problems in any committed relationship and that the goal is gaining skills to successfully manage these difficulties. Relationships move through predictable developmental stages which challenge each partner and Marriage Labs offers a helpful perspective along with concrete tools. Marriage Labs also specializes in prevention, working with couples engaged to be married by completing an inventory of potential problem areas and mapping out a practical strategy aimed at greater relationship satisfaction.
Franklin, MA . 02038 . (781) 771-8075 © Marriage Labs 2012-2024
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